Testing workflows can be a tiresome task, but automating test cases can save time and make the process easier. Martin Giesler, a student of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University, has created an automated test suite for the “orderfullfillment” example using Selenium. This tutorial will show how to run the test suite and what it’s prerequisites are.
The Selenium IDE can be downloaded from the homepage. Note that you need version 2.2 to run with Firefox 22. Other browser can be used, but there drivers are not supported be the selenium hq. Attached to this tutorial are the files needed for selenium to execute the workflow.
Next the orderfullfillment example needs to be loaded to the YAWL Engine. The workflow and oranisational data can be found in the YAWL Installation folder in the subfolder “examples\orderfulfillment”. There you should find the “orderfulfillment_customforms.yawl” workflow specification and “orderfulfillment.ybkp”, which should both be uploaded in the YAWL resource service.
Now that all preparations are complete, the test suite can be run. To open Selenium, you need to open the Firefox browser that has the Selenium add-on installed and start it from the “extras” or “tools” menu:
The Selenium window will open and after loading the “TestSuite” file in the subfolder “Order Fulfillment TestSuite” of the attached archive, the window will look something like this:
Below the Base URL is a slider, that lets you specify the speed at which the test case should be executed. Keep in mind, that a too high value can cause problems in execution. Next to the slider are buttons to start the test suite. If YAWL is running, clicking the button “Play entire test suite” should run the scripts and start the test suite. During execution serveral users will log in and complete the tasks assigned to them until the workflow is completed.
These test suites are important for YAWL developers as well, since adding new features can add bugs and break existing functions. If you have test suites for other example workflows, the YAWL user group would be glad to publish them for other users and doing that, make developing for YAWL easier.
Please note:
This tutorial suppose that the YAWL-Server is in operation on the same machine as your Selenium-IDE.